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Since 2015, the number of consumers buying organic food has increased. You can say that it is a kind of hype. This one will probably stay with us for a long time, maybe even forever. Fortunately for us, when we buy organic food, the standards of the USDA’s National Organic Programme define exactly how organic food is grown, raised and processed, and what kind of materials and under what circumstances this is all allowed in order for it to be considered organic.
When you buy organic apples, you can be sure that the farmer has not used pesticides and antibiotics on your apples. The farmer only uses USDA approved materials.
Unfortunately, this is not the case with skin care products. The term “organic” is used by many skin care companies, but the meaning of this term is rather vague. Unlike food, consumers in the skin care industry are not protected when the term “organic” is (co)used on a product.
Da es auf dem Hautpflege- und Kosmetikmarkt keine Regeln oder Vorschriften für den Begriff “Bio” gibt, steht es den Hautpflegeherstellern frei, ihre Produkte als Bio zu kennzeichnen.
Wir von MUDMASKY sind der Meinung, dass es mehr Transparenz auf dem Markt geben muss. Die Menschen sollten leicht erkennen können, ob ein Produkt das ist, was sie sich wünschen.